From Theory to Practice
After excelling my skills in ordering coffee at Starbucks and doing laundry at some of my previous “work experiences”, interning at ON-Broadcast has been one of the most exciting and educational opportunities to date.
Being a PR major myself, I always wanted to get as much experience as possible in PR firms before graduating and apply perhaps more theoretical aspects of PR learnt in the classroom to the real-life case studies. ON-Broadcast showed me a completely different side of PR that I didn’t even know existed before.
Acting as a middleman they connect media with brands and PR agencies, as well as produce broadcast content themselves, and therefore, have an amazing team of professionals specialising in public relations, radio, videography and photography.
In just two short weeks, I got a chance to spend some time with each member of the team and learn about their role at ON.
I never thought that in such a short period of time I’d have the chance to turn my hand to writing, editing audio, speaking to radio producers and most importantly feeling like a part of the team.
In my opinion, there is not a more rewarding feeling than knowing that your efforts contributed to the company’s work, which is exactly how I felt during my time here. While being guided by a very friendly team of professionals and doing some minor admin tasks I also had a lot of fun watching producers operate the radio desk and learning about a new format of press releases specifically for broadcast media.
Surprisingly, I also discovered some things about myself including the type of work I enjoy and should look out for in the future – as well as the kind of skills I should focus on developing.
I never expected broadcast PR to be something that would be of interest to me, however, after getting this work experience, I’ve realised that this is one of the fields of public relations that I will be looking into more in future.
Katherine Orlova
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