Greene King – Pubs Reopening
In early July Britons were thrilled by the news that pubs would finally be allowed to reopen after 4 months of lockdown. ON were tasked by pub company and brewer, Greene King, with ensuring the public are aware of the COVID safe measures in place at their venues as they reopened.
Knowing the return of the pubs already had news value as excited Brits everywhere planned for their first post-lockdown pint, our approach was to focus on just how much we had missed our locals. With research showing what the reopening of pubs meant to the public, a list of all open Greene King pubs and the MD for interview, we targeted regional stations with a local angle they could really get behind.
The story was a success and really hit home for many local stations across England who snapped up interviews in no time. Their listeners were keen to get out and support their local pub but needed to know how the new pub norm post lockdown would work.