Future Learn – Results Day Anxiety
No matter how you think you did in your exams, Results Day was always a nerve-racking experience and with the added pressures caused by the pandemic, youth anxiety hit an all-time high. We worked with FutureLearn and the poet Hussain Manawer to spread a message of calm with his brilliant new poem ‘Your Future’s Good’, which dissuaded which dissuaded students from sweating too much over their grades.
We knew that results week was going to be congested with other results stories, so we began conversations with broadcasters early to get ahead of the pack and place Hussain as the go-to talking head for all things A-Level and GCSEs.
Hussain and the story proved a hit across TV and radio, securing ITV’s Good Morning Britain, ITV Lunchtime News, Sky News and various local BBCs reaching an audience of over 10 million.