The Big Scoop – Dogs Trust
There are some 8 million dogs in the UK and 39% of households own at least one dog. Unfortunately, although the vast majority of dog owners are responsible and pick up after their pets, a small minority refuse to do the right thing resulting in dog fouling being on the rise in the UK for the first time in ten years.
Our thinking
Dogs Trust secured Ben Fogle and Kirsty Allsop as campaign ambassadors and with commissioned attitudinal research around dog mess, the campaign highlighted that dog mess levels had risen for the first time in ten years. Kirsty and Ben were taken on a UK media tour to provide their own first-hand experience of dog mess. Together they explained what could be done practically to combat the issue.
Kirsty, Ben and The Big Scoop team took part in 44 broadcast interviews, securing coverage including: Daybreak, Sky News Sunrise, Newsround, Chris Evans on BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 5Live. Many of the key broadcasters sent reporters out to pre-record VT packages or run live reports from out on the street.